untitled4 is my 1st Pico8 game on internet

"Learning curve"
Following Lazy Dev Pico8 instructions to upload Pico8 game on itchio, this is a learning dev for me, and its going to be my 1st test uploading game from Pico8
its been few days i started again tinkering with Pico8, i actually bought it on 2021. After a few trial and error i stopped and concentrate on Pixel art and animation. Recently i dive again after trying GameMaker Studio2, Unity and Bitsy tyring to make a game as fast as i can and of course Bitsy is the number1 i tried. The reason is to see the learning curve, how easy it is if a person got an idea and want to make it interactive.
I found beauty in Pico8 after seeing again all the super smooth buttery animations there's never been a pixel art animation this smooth before and recently after seing Joseph White/Zeph Pico8 new development the animation with a person on a boat with fireflies floating around a tree making me wanting to re-learn Pico8 more then ever. I also enjoy others making their Low-poly voxels on Pico8, there is something special about the animation and colors i don't know what it is, the algorythm, the particle system,, its just satisfying and beautiful to look at
i hope to get better and keep on experimenting the software, This is like a kid like me growing up in the 80s and watching Transformers the movie for the 1st time (1986) and blown away by the quality after seing all the moderate quality on TV, The Pico8 is like the Transformers the movie for pixel art
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